Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I am skipping ahead. We didn't do that grat on our "something everyday Christmas adventure", so I'm sure I will try again next year. SO, that being said, I am moving on to 2011.

I am already behind on my "wishes" for 2011. I call them "wishes" because I still haven't written them down, so as of right now they are still "wishes". Going to work on that one, but in the mean time I'm going to use this blog as a way to change my "wishes" into goals. I would much rather type than write.

So here we go...

Like about 90% of the people in the world, I am writing down "lose wieght" as one of my goals. I know, I know, how cliche can I be? BUT, I really, really need to lose weight. I had some health issues in 2010 and know that if I don't make some changes, then 2011 will be worse than 2010. Is this just for looks? No, not totally, but does the thought of wearing something that doesn't resemble a tent appeal to me? You bet it does! I guess health does come in there somewhere, but if I am totally honest with myself is really is mostly about how I look. I don't want to look like a moose anymore. My face is HUGE! I have never been this fat before and I have to say I'm not digging it! SO, here comes the scary part. I am going to actually put down a number...I am going to loose 55 pounds by December 31, 2011. There it is. Written down. Set in stone.

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