Tuesday, December 14, 2010

December 1, 2010

So December 1st came and I had such good itentions of having things ready to go for our "24 Days of Christmas" where the plan is to have something to do or to get something everyday from December 1st to December 24th. Well...guess what? I was not ready AGAIN this year! While I was driving home from work I was thinking to myself how mad I was that I wasn't ready AGAIN! I have tried to do this for probably the last 3 years and it HAS NEVER HAPPENED! I do good for a little bit (meaning I come up with something at the last moment) and then it kind of dies out. I always feel bad and vow to make it happen the next year. Anyway, so I got home on December 1st with nothing planned and nothing ready to go, feeling sad about the whole thing. I didn't say anything about it to Jordan and Mason because I didn't want them to be sad or disappointed either. But out of the blue, Jordan sneakily gets a movie out of the cabinet and turns it on. He says, "We're going to watch this tonight." IT WAS ELF! He turned on ELF! That is probably my most favorite Christmas movie! So guess what?! I counted it as day number 1 in our Christmas adventure! Guess I better kick it in gear! Maybe I can make this happen this year! (cross your fingers!)

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