Wednesday, December 29, 2010

December 2nd

I took my very frist trip to Starbucks Coffee tonight, and seriously I had the most expensive cup of hot chocolate in my entire life! Was is good? Absolutely! Was it worth the $3.97 I paid for it? WAS really good, and it WAS really pepperminty, but not sure that I would do it again.

But here's the REAL reason that I went there...

After looking online at all the December Daily albums that people were posting, I saw the CUTEST pastry bag thing that they said they got from Starbucks! It has a reindeer with ornaments on his antlers and above it it says this, 

"Stories are gifts. Share."

Seriously? So were the owners of Starbucks trying to target the scrapbook community this year? Did they decide they needed a few more customers or something? Holy cow! Could it be any more perfect for scrapbooking? I think not! So anyway, I had to go get my decadent (and expensive) hot chocolate so that I could get my scrapbooking fix!

Thanks Starbucks! Merry Christmas!

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